The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.
Teacher Education is a curricular input for improving school education. This department aims at integrating training and research programmes to a larger extent with greater thrust on quality and bringing about effective changes in the training programmes.
The main purpose of the department is to train teachers for primary and secondary schools by offering undergraduate courses in the fields of computers and other types of information technology.
Vocational education is education that prepares people to work as a technician or to take up employment in a skilled craft or trade as a tradesperson or artisan. Vocational education is sometimes referred to as career and technical education.
Computer Hardware & Networking is the demanding career field among the young ones. Hardware and Networking domain is the highest paying and fastest growing domain in IT sector.
Agricultural education provides opportunities to learn basic agricultural skills and knowledge, occupation training and retraining, and professional growth and development.
Yoga is the most ancient system of physical and mental development. For centuries it has been practiced by Yogis, sages and seers in order to attain the highest goal of life i.e. emancipation or salvation (Kaivalya or Moksha).
Firefighters are often the first responders to an accident scene or other emergency and provide the public with fire safety and prevention education. Fire departments also perform building inspections and assure the public adheres to fire safety standards.
The purpose of this Industrial Training Report is to clarify what is the tasks that the student implemented in Wine Talk during their 3 months’ internship program in the organization that is specialized in e-commerce business. This Include the individual task, in group task, and special task given to the student by the company will be stated here.
The department of Biomedical Sciences provides education and opportunity for research in the sciences basic to medicine. Faculty teach Gross Anatomy, Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology and Physiology to students of the Schools of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Allied Health and Nursing and the College of Arts and Science.
Paramedical Courses
An overview of the Interior Industry, it’s workings and intricacies. This diploma course is perfect for anyone looking for a career switch or require a refresher course.
A paramedic is a registered healthcare professional who works autonomously across a range of health and care settings and may specialise in clinical practice, as well as in education, leadership, and research.
The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes..
Our Teaching skills are out of the box and effective.
We also have our treditional courses like Ayurveda.
Our mission is to link education with dream job
We encourage student to involve in innovation process.